Our Vision:

Johnathan Duncan has adopted The People’s Platform, a visionary document created through a deliberative and collective process by KC Tenants Power. The platform is democratically sourced and informed by over 600 people from every district in Kansas City and dozens of labor organizations, faith groups, and other community partners. Johnathan is committed to working with his neighbors, not just for them, to ensure that every decision he makes works for the people of Kansas City.

  • WE ALL DESERVE a safe, accessible and truly affordable home. Housing is a public good that should prioritize people over profit. We should invest in social housing models that uplift the poor and working class and reinforces communities of care.

    THIS CAN LOOK LIKE: Public investment in housing that people can afford; and municipal social housing, community land trusts, and cooperatives that are democratically controlled by the people who live in them.

  • WE ALL DESERVE to live in a healthy, dignified and beautiful home. The rights of tenants must be protected and enforced, along with the right to organize into unions to ensure their needs are being met.

    THIS CAN LOOK LIKE: Healthy Homes using their power to revoke permits for notorious slumlords; implementing clawback provisions to hold landlords accountable when they provide substandard living conditions; and municipal social housing that is democratically controlled by those who live there.

  • WE ALL DESERVE the right to make decisions about our own bodies. Johnathan supports a person’s right to choose whether they want to have children, but reproductive rights go beyond abortion. It is about having access to birth control, pre- and post-natal care, child care, and access to thriving wages so you can parent a child in a safe and healthy environment. Reproductive rights are human rights, and any attempt to limit these rights is unacceptable.

    THIS CAN LOOK LIKE: Expanding the City’s travel fund for City employees who must travel for reproductive care; investing in robust pre-natal and post-natal care, as well as expanding access to health care; and declaring Kansas City a sanctuary city for reproductive rights.

  • WE ALL DESERVE to feel safe being ourselves and loving who we love.

    THIS CAN LOOK LIKE: Protecting and increasing access to gender-affirming care; and increasing worker protections to include gender identity and sexual orientation.

  • WE ALL DESERVE to feel safe and secure in our communities. Instead of more jails and punishments, we should address the root causes of the problem. Since Kansas City does not have local control over our police department, we cannot control things like the hiring of officers, where they patrol, or how they spend their money. We must instead focus on the things we can address - poverty, lack of stable housing, inaccessible mental health services, domestic violence, and schools.

    THIS CAN LOOK LIKE: Providing alternatives to armed police, including highly trained social workers, medical professionals, and community leaders that can provide on-site assistance; investment in the root causes of crime; and investing in more housing so people can begin to heal themselves and their communities.

  • WE ALL DESERVE a city economic structure that is democratically controlled and puts people over profit. We deserve a city where people have their basic needs met, workers receive fair compensation, Indigenous people have control over their land, and descendants of slaves have received reparations and meaningful investments into their communities.

    THIS CAN LOOK LIKE: More worker protections; requiring all projects that receive City investments utilize local union labor and prevailing wages; and prioritizing investments into local businesses, especially Black and brown businesses, and projects with a tangible community benefit.

  • WE ALL DESERVE to be able to move easily around the KC metro area via a reliable, safe, accessible and free transportation system. From buses to sidewalks, all modes of transportation should be available, accessible and safe in every neighborhood in the city, especially in areas with affordable housing.

    THIS CAN LOOK LIKE: Fund and implement the Complete Streets Program; Expand the bus system to ensure it is reliable, fast, and efficient; improved bus stops and shelters; and more public investment into the repair and upkeep of sidewalks in every part of Kansas City.

  • WE ALL DESERVE to have access to a green economy where no one gets left behind or displaced in the name of progress. Kansas City must reach zero emissions and end its dependence on fossil fuels. Every resident, including the most vulnerable, deserves access to clean air, clean water, and lots of healthy locally-grown food.

    THIS CAN LOOK LIKE: Fund and implement the Climate Protection and Resliency Plan; protect our trees and green spaces; and providing alternatives to cars to reduce carbon emissions.

  • Johnathan has committed to reject all donations from profiteers, AKA those who seek to profit off our lives. This includes developers, the fossil fuel industry, and the Fraternal Order of Police.

    Johnathan has also signed the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge.